Uncover the influences of your past lives to liberate and understand how it affects your present and future life.

I have the ability to see into past lives and release the origins of recurring blockages. Through regressive hypnosis, I bring and guide you into your past lives. I give you the messages and images to help you better understand the reasons behind a physical problem, an unexplained fear, repetitive patterns, etc.

You may have pronounced a vow of poverty in a past life if you have problems with money. Or a vow of chastety if you have a problem with sex, devotion, sacrifice, silence, suffering or obedience. All of those reactions that you don't understand, that are exaggerated can be explained through a session of karma therapy.

Together, we can build a better future!

ocean waves crashing on shore during daytime
ocean waves crashing on shore during daytime

Discover your past, transform your future

Contact Me

Reach out to explore your past lives.

green leaf with water drops
green leaf with water drops